Through the HRDD, the NEAP Focal and NEAP personnel of the Region are continuing the conduct of the blended evaluation and validation activities of the implementation of the Learning Delivery Modality (LDM) Courses 1 and 2.

The activity aims to ensure that the processes of the implementation of LDM Courses adhere to the standards and guidelines set by NEAP Central Office. It also aims to conduct onsite and online validation and evaluation of the outputs of LAC Leaders and Instructional Coaches and conduct onsite validation of the implementation of the Practicum Phase of the courses.

In observance of the IATF, the Schools Division Superintendents are requested to identify only one (1) District Office who will participate in the said activities. The participants of the evaluation and validation processes for each course were the LAC Leaders and Instructional Coaches. They are requested to accomplish the Learning Delivery Modality (LDM)1 Validation Tool, LDM 1 Evaluation Rubric for Outputs of LAC Leaders, Learning Delivery Modality (LDM) 2 Validation Tool, and LDM 2 Evaluation Rubric for Outputs of LAC Leaders and Instructional Coaches respectively. These tools can be accessed using the link and

RM No. 300, s. 2021
RM No. 688, s. 2021
RM No. 771, s. 2021